Monday, March 29, 2010

.::. Media in Class .::.

Is it wrong of me that I found myself feeling 100% justified in texting in class last week when we were watching the BYU Game? I found myself repulsed by the fact that students found it appropriate to interrupt the lecture to "make an announcement" about the BYU game score. I was bothered by the fact that we actually stopped class on more than one occasion to watch part of the game. How is it appropriate to do that when it's not appropriate to browse facebook or any other sites during class? I just don't understand the logic here.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

.::. Violent Video Games .::.

I'm all for spoofs and whatnot...however I'm really thinking that this is going a bit far. Though it did remind me of class.

Hot New Video Game Consists Solely Of Shooting People Point-Blank In The Face

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

.::. One Week .::.

Yeah, it's been a full week now and it's still gone, I'm sitting here in the HBLL dungeons using a computer and finding myself bored to tears enough I'm messing with CS3...though I think I did end up making something quite pretty actually. However, finding out I've got a paper due today was not the best way to start out my morning. I was able to re-write it...however it really sucked having to redo the work I've done once already, when I thought I was planning ahead and all that good stuff. At least it was only a 2-3 page paper instead of the 10 page paper that's due next week. Supposedly they've shipped my laptop back to me I should get it back today or tomorrow. I'm really really hoping for today, mostly because I'm pretty sure I've got another paper due tomorrow and I've not heard back from the TA to get another copy of the syllabus that wasn't posted on blackboard. It's just this sinking feeling really that's telling me that another paper is due and it's going to require extensive reading on PsychInfo or blackboard.

As for media, I had a blast doing the mock trial. We won! However, it really has made me think about whether or not the media should be held responsible fully for what they create. Can you blame a movie for a murder spree as was the case with Sarah Edmunson in the mock trial? I'm fairly sure that the actual case ended up losing, but I think there is a level of responsibility.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

.::. Addiction .::.

I've found it near impossible to function without my laptop. It's been off to be repaired since schedule...everything is on that thing. And, I'm finding it rather hard not to have instant access to everything. I don't keep paper copies of my syllabi are all locked up, save for blackboard. Let alone I can only access my writing resources when I have time to be at campus. I think I've got a bit of a dependency.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

.::. Alice in Wonderland .::.

Definitely a kids movie...sadly. You'd think with Tim Burton and Johnny Depp it would pretty much be a given that it would be dark, instead it was pretty much a kids Disney movie, with a really annoying blonde for a lead. Some stories, should not be mixed Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass should not be meshed together. It was soo not worth staying up till 3am for.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

.::. Perceptions and Surrogates.::.

I'm finding myself consuming less and less media now, I don't know if this is a good thing or not. I suppose I still listen to the music I have for ages, and I still watch the movies I already own, but I'm finding myself to be more selective. I did however watch a newer movie recently: Surrogates.

I really enjoyed it actually, there wasn't much at all that might be considered objectable in anyway. I think the message is actually really in tune with what we've been discussing in class concerning the internet, along with my research. People are becoming too dependent on the internet for socialization. They are letting it take the place of face-to-face interaction, which is worrying. People are starting to get worse at reading non-verbal cues and communication. They aren't getting practice in during the formative years, instead they are spending time online hiding behind a computer screen pretending to be whoever they want to be.